The Workshop series was an intensive endeavor that explored themes, experiences and competences from various different partners. Our core understanding and  motto during that time can best be described with the following quote!

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.

The Transfer Workshop Series!

The University Business Linkage pillar, generally working on ideas and activities that promote and develop endeavors around UBL (University Business Linkages) and CE (Career Enhancement) for its partners, accomplished one of its major directives over the last year 2021. Through bilateral collaboration each African partner together with a team from Leipzig University mapped and analyzed the transfer ecosystem of each partners higher education institution, which resulted in the development of various strategy documents, intensive in house promotion of the respective topics and the initiation of a minimum of one concrete measure per partner. 

The process was accomplished through a comprehensive workshop series, that followed a strict road map with the direct goal to get a clear understanding of the situation on site and the derivation of tailor made scalable activities.

If you are interested in more – get an insight on the process and the developed output down below!


Select a step on the Road Map for some Details Impressions Outputs

We started with best practices developed by Leipzig University and adapted it to the ACCESS Project!
Road Map
Our process
Transfer Ecosystem of HEIs
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Introduction to our Workshop Series


Six meetings in total and with the goal to introduce best practices developed over many years and implemented with success at the Leipzig University. The tone for the whole workshop series was set here with one major outcome in initiating the data collection phase which could take a couple of weeks up to a couple of months, depending on each partner, the size of their institution and of course the developing pandemic.

Analyse the various Environments
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Gathering of Information

Determine the status quo

This workshop introduced the first discussion about the gathered data. Depending on the circumstances at each institution, the respective partner had weeks or even months to gather as much information from every other active and interested stakeholder/ department. With everything adjusted, clustered and ranked, the next step was to determine relevant topics, stakeholders, experiences and even blind spots. We introduced online tools to keep the workshop as engaged as possible while at the same time edited the collected data to initiate the next workshop.

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Analyze and Interpret


With the third workshop, we engaged in the most important part of the whole series. With all the collected and afterwards structured data, our participants had the tools to assess themselves and identify their advantages and challenges at their institution. To accommodate again to the uniqueness of each partner institution, we often separated this workshop into more sessions, which gave them the opportunity to run certain questions and evaluations by other members that hold sway or contribute to the matters at hand. Following the methodological guidelines of a SWOT analysis, the process profits the most from extensive, precise and diverse information.

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Apply and Develop

Mapping the strategies

The fourth workshop of the series took the outcome of the SWOT analysis and the results of all the former meetings and discussion to derive strategies from it. With newly formulated fields of actions at hand, the workshop again was often split into two sessions, followed by a quick collection of activities, which can be employed to further the overall agenda. With the decisions made and the information structured and ready, the development of the strategy document & supporting activities could start.

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from theory to pratice

Presentation of the results

Our last workshop was conducted as a cumulated meeting of all UBL pillar coordinators and board members. It took place during our physical meeting week in Leipzig in the beginning of 2022. Partners presented their findings, documents and next steps in Leipzig, Germany. Concepts of activities developed under the virtual scholarships have been included in the set of activities of each transfer strategy document. 


Marcel Liebich

Coordinator for ACCESS (UBL)
Leipzig University
Management and Economics of Innovation
+49 341 97 33654

Bismark Yeboah

Coordinator for ACCESS (UBL | AGEA)
Leipzig University
+49 341 97 39765

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