The ACCESS project at Leipzig University in cooperation with the Heller School at Brandeis University will be  hosting an Employability conference in November 2023.

The conference takes place under the title “(Un)employment in Africa in times of a Global Political Economy Crisis: Lessons in Theory, Policy, and Practice”. The Call for Papers is open now. Submission Deadline for Abstracts will be July 31, 2023.

The event is seeking for contributions that address the following questions:

  • What are the responses of African states and governments towards their young working populations?
  • What sort of global economic and financial pressures are acting on Africa currently?
  • What are the current innovative youth employment initiatives being employed on the continent?
  • How are concerns regarding the ongoing unemployment/underemployment of university graduates being managed?
  • Are there any new entrepreneurial and social protection initiatives that could bolster employment in Africa?
  • How can multilateral and bilateral institutions support and promote local employment initiatives across Africa?

The event will be held online on November 3rd, 2023 via Zoom.
Please send your proposal of 200 – 300 words to

You can download the Call for papers here.

The ACCESS project at Leipzig University in cooperation with the Heller School at Brandeis University will be  hosting an Employability conference in November 2023.

The conference takes place under the title “(Un)employment in Africa in times of a Global Political Economy Crisis: Lessons in Theory, Policy, and Practice”. The Call for Papers is open now. Submission Deadline for Abstracts will be July 31, 2023.

The event is seeking for contributions that address the following questions:

  • What are the responses of African states and governments towards their young working populations?
  • What sort of global economic and financial pressures are acting on Africa currently?
  • What are the current innovative youth employment initiatives being employed on the continent?
  • How are concerns regarding the ongoing unemployment/underemployment of university graduates being managed?
  • Are there any new entrepreneurial and social protection initiatives that could bolster employment in Africa?
  • How can multilateral and bilateral institutions support and promote local employment initiatives across Africa?

The event will be held online on November 3rd, 2023 via Zoom.
Please send your proposal of 200 – 300 words to

You can download the Call for papers here.