University of Ibadan


About the University

In 1948, the first university ever was founded in Nigeria: the University of Ibadan. At that time, there were courses of study for art, science and medicine. Now there are 17 different faculties in a wide variety of fields. The University of Ibadan awards an average of 3.000 master’s degrees and around 250 doctorates each year. This supports its vision of being a world-class institution for academic excellence that is responsive to the needs of society.

The university is considered one of the largest in Africa and a pioneer in post-secondary education in Nigeria, training large segments of the workforce for the country’s education system, as well as public institutions and private companies.

The mission of the University of Ibadan is to broaden the knowledge horizons of the country through excellent conditions for education and research, to educate students of strong character and good sense, and to help transform society through creativity and innovation.

As part of ACCESS, the university is helping to develop new teaching concepts and is working with the University of Leipzig and the other African partner universities to develop innovative methods. These should ultimately serve to increase the employability of African students – just like the general exchange and cooperation with the partners from the ACCESS program.

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