The scope and structure of the UBL/CE Pillar Roll-out
A large part of the UBL pillar’s work consists of designing UBL & CE activities, not only for the core partners of the ACCESS project, but also for partner universities from the regional networks. Building on the efforts of the core partners’ activities and fields of activity, the next step is to broaden the perspective to the regional networks in order to transfer aspects and results of our work to them. The so-called roll-out of the UBL Pillar thus foresees two central pillars. The development and implementation of activities of the core partners and the support and the integration of partners from the regional networks. This is an ongoing process that is expected to launch numerous activities by the end of 2024. It is not so much about covering the whole process of an activity, or implementing a certain type of activity, but more about launching tailor-made activities for their respective environment.
Roll-out structure for the UBL Pillar
Partner Roll-Out (six African partner universities) (six African countries) (multiple strategy documents) (several UBL & CE activities)
Regional Roll-Out (at least five regional African universities per partner) (various topics & competences for transfer) (driven transfer & exchange) (several UBL & CE activities)
Our focus lies on the respective transfer ecosystems of the individual universities and their activities in the field of UBL & CE. Building on the existing structures, processes were to be initiated to support their already existing or newly initiated efforts. Particular emphasis was placed on developing strategy documents that would be conducive to ongoing support and dissemination of the topic. Along with this, the development of concrete activities went hand in hand to promote the topic from the practical side as well.
The roll-out in the regional networks envisages that the African partners in the ACCESS project will network with their regional peers and exchange insights, ideas and strategies. The problem of insufficient employment for graduates requires a collaboration of as many stakeholders as possible, who are equally interested in using university fields of activity such as UBL & CE as a contribution to solving the problem.
African Partner Network | Core partners & Affiliated regional partner HEIs
![Map of Africa](https://access-centre.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Map_Africa.png)
×Core Partner:
Affiliated Regional HEIs:
×Core Partner:
×Core Partner:
Affiliated Regional HEIs:
×Core Partner:
Soon to come
This section will frequently change and reflect on activities spearheaded by the UBL/CE Pillar. It will show a diverse set of events & workshops that relate to our core topics which are carried out by the African stakeholders.
Marcel Liebich
Coordinator for ACCESS (UBL)
Leipzig University
Management and Economics of Innovation
+49 341 97 33654
Bismark Yeboah
Coordinator for ACCESS (UBL | AGEA)
Leipzig University
+49 341 97 39765