A few months ago, the ACCESS project was given the great opportunity by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to apply for a second funding phase as one of seven successful exceed networks. This second phase would follow on seamlessly from the current funding phase, would have a financial scope of almost five million euros and would run for a further five years (2025 – 2029).

In recent weeks, the entire ACCESS team has therefore been working diligently to formulate the application documents for the follow-up application, taking into account new target groups and research directions. Among other things, the target group of students is to become more central to the activities, whereas in the first project phase the focus was on lecturers. The topic of sustainability will also be given special consideration in the network’s activities.

With the “ACCESS 2.0” project, the entire team is pursuing the goal of further developing the network, which has grown over the past four and a half years, taking current social developments into account and leading it successfully into the future together. The complete application was finally submitted to the DAAD by the beginning of July and the ACCESS team is now keeping its fingers crossed for a successful approval.

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