The second International Summer School of the ACCESS project in 2022 has just been concluded in Ghana under the title „The Future of work: A Focus on Employability Skills Development“ and was successfully hosted by KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology). The conference took place from 16th to 20th of May in Akosombo for the first three days and ended at the headquarter of KNUST in Kumasi. The main participants were representatives of the seven partner universities of the ACCESS project such as board members, project coordinators, lecturers and PhD students.
Within these five days, the participants were engaged with themes like upcoming changes in the role of lecturers in universities, the further development of universities concerning policy dynamism, collaboration and curriculum development. Also the role of external stakeholders in the development of employability skills has been discussed intensively. The Opening Ceremony was held in the conference hall of The Peninsula Resort in Akosombo with guest speakers from the public and private sector, the German Embassy in Ghana and other key stakeholders of the education sector. On Wednesday, the Summer School moved on from Akosombo to the KNUST campus in Kumasi.

Aside from the academic programme, social activities such as a city tour in Accra, sightseeing, and joint dinners were also arranged for participants to deepen their interactions and networking among each other.
The next ACCESS Summer Schools will be held in 2023 hosted by the University of Ibadan in Nigeria and the Mount Kenya University in Kenya.