One of the goals of the ACCESS project is to provide teachers at the African partner universities with a broad knowledge base for their work and to support them with both theoretical and practical methods. For this purpose, the idea of a Wiki was developed and implemented. The main goal of the wiki is to make content available from lecturers for lecturers. Applied methods and tools can be presented on the platform and adopted by other lecturers for their teaching activities.
The ACCESS Wiki and its different shelves

As you can see in the picture, the Wiki is divided into different shelves, each of which can be assigned to a specific area, such as Collaboration and Teamwork, Entre- and Intrapreneurial Skills Development, Digital Tools or E-Coaching and E-Teaching. Each shelf, in turn, contains as a sub-category various books that are dealing with a specific topic.

For a complete overview of the Wiki, please visit the ACCESS Wiki website.

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