
First ACCESS PhD candidates finalise their theses

As one important part of the ACCESS network, the ACCESS Research Pillar is following a multidisciplinary research approach that focuses on broad questions like necessary worker skills, labor market requirements in Africa and the role of universities within this environment. With the research pillar, the ACCESS project facilitates young African

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ACCESS Summer School 2023 in Kenya successfully ended

The ACCESS Summer School 2023 in Kenya is over. The Mount Kenya University (MKU) successfully hosted this event for the ACCESS network and its seven partner universities. With more than 1.000 participants, the blended conference was officially opened on Monday May 22nd by MKU Vice Chancellor, Professor Deogratius Jaganyi and

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ACCESS Benin hosted “Mastering Business Models” conference

From the 02.-05. of May, our ACCESS partner Benin hosted a conference under the title “Mastering Business Models”. The first day of the conference focused primarily on creating personas within a business model. Robertson Klaingar discussed the process of conducting market research using techniques such as focus groups and creating

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JOIN THE COMPETITION: AGEA Business Idea Competition 2023

AGEA is glad to announce the call for registrations and submissions of business ideas for the AGEA Business Idea Competition 2023. The competition is accepting registrations and entries from interested and eligible participants until 31 May 2023. In cooperation with ACCESS, the Business Idea Competition 2023 is a platform to unearth

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ACCESS and Erasmus+ project realising synergy effects in e-coaching

How to effectively engage students with distance learning? This question has affected nearly everyone involved in teaching and learning at higher education institutions in Europe and worldwide since the outbreak of the CoViD-19 pandemic. Therefore, it was the aim of the two-year Erasmus+ project (2021-2023) “Towards e-coaching: The first step

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ACCESS Wiki links Entrepreneurship to the Humanities

In light of the interdisciplinary approach of the ACCESS project, ACCESS Tunisia organized the first in a series of workshops and roundtable discussions with university lecturers on the 13th of February 2023 to exchange knowledge and gain insights into the current challenges and prospects of teaching entrepreneurship to humanities students.

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