
Registration for the AGEA Business Idea Competition 2022 is open

The African German Entrepreneurship Academy (AGEA) pillar of ACCESS is pleased to announce the opening of registrations and submissions for the AGEA Business Idea Competition 2022. The Business Idea Competition is organised to identify, and support innovative and entrepreneurial solutions for Africa by academic/scientific staff, researchers, students (master, PhD), and

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ACCESS Summer School 2022 in Ghana successfully held by KNUST

The second International Summer School of the ACCESS project in 2022 has just been concluded in Ghana under the title „The Future of work: A Focus on Employability Skills Development“ and was successfully hosted by KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology). The conference took place from 16th to

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First half of ACCESS Summer School 2022 in Ghana successful ends

The first three days of the ACCES Summer School 2022 are over. Under the title “The Future of work: A focus on employability skills development”, all participants have so far experienced interesting presentations and insights into the approach of the several partner universities to equip graduates not only with academic

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ACCESS Summer School Ghana to be held in May 2022

As part of activities for 2022, a five-day Summer School will be hosted by the partner university, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), from 16th May to 20th May 2022 in Ghana (Akosombo and Kumasi). This is the second summer school by ACCESS this year, after the first one was organised

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First ACCESS Summer School in 2022 successfully held in Benin

Participants of the ACCESS Summer School from Germany, Ghana, Benin, Kenya, Nigeria, Tunisia and Rwanda. Photo: ACCESS 2022 IRGIB Africa University in Cotonou, Benin, successfully hosted the first of two planned physical summer schools for the ACCESS project in 2022. The 5-day summer school began on 28 March 2022 and

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ACCESS Leipzig Meeting 2022 successfully hosted by Leipzig University

The first physical meeting of the ACCESS Project consortium partners was successfully held in Leipzig from 07 – 10 February 2022. Despite the hurdles of COVID-19, the meeting brought together over 30 participants, comprising of board members, coordinators, doctoral students, and other key personnel involved in implementing the project. The

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Apply Now – ACCESS Summer School Benin 2022

Apply Now – ACCESS Summer School Benin 2022   ACCESS is a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supported project under the Exceed Initiative with funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project is being implemented by a consortium of 7 universities (6 African universities) coordinated

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